Rajganj College

Principal Desk

Principals Message

Dr. Haraprasad Mishra

Dear Students, 
    I am extremely pleased to welcome you all to the official website of Rajganj College, Rajganj, Jalpaiguri. I feel privileged to lead such an young College that offers such giant opportunities in this locality of Rajganj,Jalpaiguri. 

    It is a matter of great pride that the College has made consistent progress, year on year, in academic and co-curricular activities. Overall development of the individual is the goal of education and we all have to ensure that there is no stone left unturned to equip the student of today for the challenges of life. We are proud of our caring, inclusive culture where we set high standards and expectations of our pupils to achieve their very best. For us knowledge is not mere information but wisdom to equip life with tools to face challenges of Future. In the words of John Dewey, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” The College is committed to provide a healthy, harmonious ambience and rich values which play pivotal role in shaping the future of our students. Progress of an Institute depends mainly on performance of the students in academics, sports and cultural activities along with maintaining high values and ethics. I am Proud to say that our students are doing excellent in academics, sports and cultural activities. Our task is huge. I believe that all students can achieve. We shall work smarter to help our students to excel in all areas. Our goal is to ensure that all students reach high levels of success. We shall focus on helping students connect new learning with prior knowledge in order for each one to succeed. We all have to work hard to move forward miles ahead and to make this college a premier institute of higher learning in West Bengal. 

We are committed to fulfill the following aims and objectives for our students:

All best wishes to my young student friends of RAJGANJ COLLEGE


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