Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
The College strictly follows the rules, regulations and all the guidelines framed by the UGC and of Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. It also follows the Statute framed by University of North Bengal in all the academic and administrative matters.
General Code Of Conduct
- Honours and Programme Classes start from 11.00 a.m. and may continue up to 5.00 p.m. on all the six days of a week (Monday to Saturday). Students are advised to come to the Institute by 10:45 am to attend classes. As per university rules 75% attendance is mandatory to appear in semester end examination.
- Use of mobile phones in the classrooms, Library, labs, strictly prohibited.
- Every student must carry his / her Identity Card while entering the campus and identify himself with help of the Identity Card whenever asked for.
- No guests / visitors shall be allowed with the students in the class/lab/ library.
- Students must help keep the institute neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the greeneries. Eatables / beverages are not allowed inside the study areas including labs, library. Students should have their tiffin inside the canteen or class room.
- Smoking is prohibited in the premises of the institute.
- Furniture in the class rooms should not be moved or displaced.
- Students must conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights & fans when they leave the class room, laboratories.
- Students should invariably stand in a queue while waiting near the college counters for depositing their tuition fees or for any other purpose.
- Students are advised to meet the Principal only during the prescribed hours of interview. They should not ordinarily enter the office without prior permission of their proctors.
The Following Will Constitute Breach Of Discipline
- Disruption of, or improper interference with the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the institute, whether on institute premises or elsewhere
- Using abusive language and creating nuisance in the premises of this institute, disturbing the peace and independent rights of fellow students and faculty members
- Spitting on the walls, floors, pillars or doors of the college is strictly prohibited;
- Students are forbidden from loitering in the corridors when they have no classes to attend. They may remain either in the library or in the common room or in the seminar room or canteen.
- Answering the calls of nature is strictly prohibited at places other than the urinals and lavatories meant for the purpose.
- Students are warned not to tamper with the electric bulbs, fans and the switch-boards.
- Misbehavior of students, at any time, with the students’ teachers, employees, and visitors to the campus will be severely dealt with.
- Scribbling, pasting placards and other papers and disfiguring college walls are strictly prohibited. Any student disfiguring the walls shall be punished.
- No club or society should be started or maintained in the college and no function should be organized without the approval of the Principal.
- Students guilty of eve teasing will be severely dealt with.
- Use of mobile phones in the classrooms during transaction of curriculum is strictly prohibited.
- Students should not ride or take motor cycle/cycles on the verandahs, corridors or the play field of the college.
- Possession or use of drugs, alcohol or peddling of drugs in the campus is strictly forbidden.
- Misuse or unauthorized use of the institute premises or items of property, including computer misuse
- Inviting /meeting strangers or unauthorized persons inside the college campus without any valid reason or permission from the Principal is prohibited.
- Tampering, interference, misuse, causing damage, and/or destruction of fire safety and fire prevention equipment are prohibited
Penalties For Disciplinary Violation
In case of violation the Discipline Committee of the college may impose, the following penalties for the disciplinary violations:
- A fine may be imposed for each violation / offence;
- Withholding scholarship or other benefits
- Suspension / debarment from the institute where the student will be debarred from entering the premises, facilities and from attending the classes or;
- Permanent expulsion from the institute or
- The defaulter may be debarred form taking an examination or examinations for one year/semester or more than one year/semester.
- Any other course of action which may be reasonable in the circumstances.