Rajganj College

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The College strictly follows the rules, regulations and all the guidelines framed by the UGC and of Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. It also follows the Statute framed by University of North Bengal in all the academic and administrative matters.

General Code Of Conduct

The Following Will Constitute Breach Of Discipline

Penalties For Disciplinary Violation

In case of violation the Discipline Committee of the college may impose, the following penalties for the disciplinary violations:

  • A fine may be imposed for each violation / offence;
  • Withholding scholarship or other benefits
  • Suspension / debarment from the institute where the student will be debarred from entering the premises, facilities and from attending the classes or;
  • Permanent expulsion from the institute or
  • The defaulter may be debarred form taking an examination or examinations for one year/semester or more than one year/semester.
  • Any other course of action which may be reasonable in the circumstances.
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